5.1.1p Academic Freedom

Modified: May 2013, April 2014, December 2014, January 14, 2014
Last Reviewed: January 14, 2015
Scope: Faculty and Students
Contact: Vice President of Academic Affairs
Owner: Vice President of Academic Affairs
References: SBTCSG Procedure 5.1.1p, SBTCSG Policy 4.4.3, SBTCSG Procedure 4.4.3p, SBTCSG Procedure 6.5.3

Lanier Technical College defines academic freedom as the freedom to teach, express ideas and publish without interference or penalty by the institution. The principles of academic freedom guarantee the right to teach or learn without unreasonable interference from authority and are essential to the mission of the College. Academic freedom is subject to the norms and standards of scholarly inquiry.

As a community of scholars dedicated to the premise of life-long learning, Lanier Technical College encourages faculty and students to examine and discuss questions and issues of interest to them. In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. Fundamental to an opportunity for free inquiry and expression is the right to assemble in accordance with College and Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) policies.

Faculty members and students are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject. Caution must be used not to introduce material that has no relation to the instructional field. Faculty and students must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence and to participate as responsible citizens in community affairs.

As per the Technical College System of Georgia policy, Lanier Technical College faculty members must carry out their responsibilities in a professional and ethical manner and must not bring discredit upon the College or the State of Georgia by engaging in conduct reflecting discredit to the technical college.

Faculty members must fulfill their responsibilities to society and to their profession by manifesting competence, professional discretion, and good citizenship. They will be free from institutional censorship or discipline when they speak or write as good citizens.

As professional educators, faculty members must be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate they are not speaking for the institution.

The principles of academic freedom shall not prevent the College from making proper efforts to ensure the best possible instruction for all students in accordance with the objectives of the institution and the Technical College System of Georgia.

Faculty who believe their academic freedom has been compromised should refer to SBTCSG Policy 4.4.3 and SBTCSG Procedure 4.4.3p, while students should refer to SBTCSG Procedure 6.5.3.