6.8.1 Field Trips

Adopted: February 26, 2013
Modified: May 23, 2013
Contact: Vice President of Academic Affairs
Owner: Vice President of Academic Affairs
References: SBTCSG Policy 6.8.1
Forms: LTC Field Trip Assumption of Risk Form, Field Trip Application


Pursuant to the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia Policy V.I, Lanier Technical College adheres to the philosophy that out-of-classroom experiences such as field trips enhance a student's educational experience. All field trips must be scheduled as an integral part of a credit course which enhances the student's knowledge and skills by providing the student with the opportunity to experience "real world" activities.


  1. It is the program administrator or the instructor's responsibility to arrange for a field trip that is appropriate for the course/program and that will enhance the student's learning experience. The administrator or instructor should arrange transportation, meeting time and location, etc. in advance and notify the student in writing of the arrangements.
  2. The program administrator (for Adult Education or Continuing Education programs) or course instructor must provide for the safety of the student while on the field trip. For non-credit students, only properly registered students may participate in the field trip. For credit students, only properly registered students who have paid their student insurance fee may participate in the field trip.
  3. College employees may not transport students in their personal vehicles. Students should be discouraged from transporting other students in their personal vehicles. Transportation offered by Lanier Technical College must be conducted by fully insured and properly licensed drivers.
  4. Once the field trip has been arranged, the administrator or instructor must get every student who will participate in the trip to sign the Assumption of Risk, Agreement to Abide by Code of Conduct, Release of Liability, and Limited Medical Authorization.
  5. At leave five working days prior to the field trip, the completed Lanier Technical College Application for Field Trip must be filed with the appropriate supervisor (Vice President of Adult Education, Vice President of Economic Development, campus dean, coordinator of evening programs).
  6. The college employee responsible for planning the field trip must retain the signed the Assumption of Risk, Agreement to Abide by Code of Conduct, Release of Liability, and Limited Medical Authorization and the Lanier Technical College Application For Field Trip. The supervisor should retain a copy of the approved Lanier Technical College Application for Field Trip.