4.3.2p6 Other Employment Procedure

Adopted: December 2010
Scope: Faculty and Staff
Contact: Director of Human Resources
References: SBTCSG Procedure 4.3.2p6

All employees are expected to treat their job at Lanier Technical College as primary employment. Other employment, including any outside business activities, will be considered secondary to an employee's assigned duties and responsibilities at LTC. Employees shall avoid any business and/or employment activity that could be perceived as creating a conflict of interest with his/her responsibilities to Lanier Technical College. This procedure neither implies nor grants LTC employees the expressed right to initial or continued employment with another entity; therefore, authorization to engage in such a relationship may be terminated by the President of Lanier Technical College. Other employment must not interfere with the full-time assignment; involve a perceived or actual conflict of interest; be performed during normally scheduled working hours; or violate any applicable federal or state law, regulation, or State Board policy. No employee may begin other employment prior to obtaining written approval from his/her supervisor and the President. The complete policy, procedure, forms, and attachments are located on our LTC intranet, https://intranet.laniertech.edu, under "Document and Forms – Human Resources."