Procedure 1.1: Development, Approval and Review of LTC Policies and Procedures

Adopted: TBD
Scope: Faculty & Staff
Contact: Policy Coordinator
Owner: President
References: SBTCSG Policy 1.1, SBTCSG Procedure 1.1p

The State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia shall establish and promulgate policies for the orderly and efficient operation of the System Office and associated technical colleges. The State Board has delegated the authority to develop accompanying procedures to the Commissioner and technical college presidents.

Submission, Approval, and Corrections of Policies and Procedures

Members of the Leadership Team may submit new or revised policies and procedures for inclusion in the LTC Policy & Procedure Manual.

For New Policies:

  1. The policy owner forwards the text to the policy coordinator.
  2. The policy coordinator puts the policy in standardized format.
  3. At the owner's direction, the policy coordinator either:
    1. Prepares paper copies of the policy for presentation by the owner to the Leadership Team, or
    2. Distributes the policy by email for electronic vote.
  4. If the policy is rejected, no further action will be taken.
  5. If the Leadership Team requests changes, the policy owner may revise the document and resubmit to the policy coordinator, at which point the
  6. policy will follow the steps above.
  7. If the policy is approved, the policy owner delivers the document to the policy coordinator. The policy coordinator places the policy in the Manual, updates the Change Log, and notifies the owner when these actions have been completed.
  8. The policy owner directs the Webmaster to add the new policy to the website in appropriate locations, and notifies all affected stakeholders of the new policy.

For Revised Policies:

The process for revised policies is the same as above, except that the text initially forwarded to the policy coordinator should display new or changed material in red text, and deleted material should be shown in a a strike-through font.

The policy coordinator shall maintain an archive of all previous versions of revised policies.

For New and Revised Procedures:

  1. The policy owner forwards the procedure to the policy coordinator. (For revisions, added/changed text should be shown in red, and deleted text should be shown in a strike-through font.)
  2. The policy coordinator formats the new or revised material and updates the Manual and Change Log.
  3. The policy coordinator notifies the owner when these changes have been made.
  4. The policy owner directs the Webmaster to make all needed changes on the website, and notifies all affected stakeholders of the new or revised procedure.


Whenever substantive or typographical errors are found, the reader is encouraged to report the error to the owner or contact.

It is the responsibility of the owner or contact for that policy or procedure to determine if an error exists and, if so, to obtain the necessary approvals to correct any error as soon as possible.

The policy coordinator shall make a record of all changes to the Policy Manual in its Change Log, noting the date of the change, a brief description of the change, and the authority on which the change was made.