May 31, 2023
“Prior to beginning my relationship with Lanier Technical College, my life was a literal wreck. But, deep inside of me there was a longing for more and Adult Education helped make that a reality. I earned my GED® in 2022, and since then I have continued my education with Lanier Tech’s Welding and Joining Technology Diploma Program. With the financial help of the GA HOPE Career Grant, I have been able to fund and continue my welding program. After becoming the Technical College System of Georgia’s Adult Education EAGLE Student of the Year, I have decided to pursue an Associate’s Degree in Business from Lanier Tech. My experience with Lanier Technical College has literally changed my life!” –05/31/2023
-Kayla Hill-
2023 Lanier Tech EAGLE Student
2023 State-Wide TCSG Dinah Culbreath Wayne EAGLE Student of the Year
Welding and Joining Student
Lanier Technical College Foundation (laniertechfoundation.org)
Welding and Joining Technology