WiFi Internet Connection

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LTC System Status

WiFi is available on all Lanier Technical College campuses.

Lanier Tech’s preferred wireless network is LTC-Guest-Secure, which is available throughout our campuses in classrooms, halls, offices, greenspaces, and conference center buildings.

Connect by using the info below or scan the QR Code!

SSID: LTC-Guest-Secure
Password: laniertech2021
WiFi QR Code for LTC Guest Secure

Like all Lanier Tech’s computing and network resources, the wireless network is solely for the use of authorized users for official purposes. Use of the system may be monitored and recorded by system personnel. Such monitoring is done to ensure quality of performance, but any activity that violates the LTC Computer Use Policies or provides evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity could be recorded and reported to appropriate authorities. Use of the system evidences an express consent to such monitoring and agreement to abide by the LTC Computer Use Policy.