GAfutures Funding Eligibility
Grade Level Eligibility
11th & 12th Graders
- Eligible students may take any approved core or CTAE Dual Enrollment courses listed within the Course Directory.
10th Graders
- Eligible students may enroll in approved Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) courses listed on the Course Directory.
- Eligible students who have a minimum SAT score of 1200 or minimum ACT composite score of 26 in a single national test administration, may enroll in any approved courses listed on the Course Directory. Note: GSFC must have the required test score(s) on file prior to the student completing the Dual Enrollment funding Application and the high school or home study approving courses.
- Students that were 9th graders during the 2019-2020 school year and participated in Dual Enrollment during the 2019-2020 (FY 2020) year may enroll as 10th graders in any approved Dual Enrollment courses listed on the Course Directory for the 2020-2021 year.
9th Graders
- Students in the 9th grade are not eligible to participate in the Dual Enrollment funding Program.
Funding Cap Eligibility

- The Dual Enrollment Funding Cap is 30 semester hours and is a hard cap based on hours paid by the Dual Enrollment funding program for terms of enrollment. The Funding Cap does not include dual credit coursework attempted and paid by other sources.
- Dual Enrollment funding per term is a maximum of 15 semester hours and a maximum of three semesters per award year based on approved enrollment and available Funding Cap hours.
- Students who attended through Spring term 2020
- The Dual Enrollment Funding Cap is 30 semester hours for students who received Dual Enrollment funding for 18 semester hours or less, through Spring term 2020.
- The Dual Enrollment Funding Cap for students who received Dual Enrollment funding for 19 semester hours or more, through Spring term 2020, is extended for an additional 12 semester hours of funding.
- Public high school students designated by their high school, as pursuing High School Graduation Accelerated Career as of Spring term 2020, may continue to complete their pathway while participating in the Dual Enrollment funding program and are not subject to the Funding Cap.
Course Retake & Withdrawals
- A student may not receive funding to repeat or retake a course.
- A student is no longer eligible to continue to receive program funding after withdrawing from Dual Enrollment course(s) two (2) times.
Upon reaching the 30 semester hours program Funding Cap, a student may qualify for HOPE Grant and HOPE Career Grant funding or may choose to self-pay.
Length of Eligibility
- A student cannot be older than twenty-one (21) years of age on the start date of the postsecondary term of enrollment for which Dual Enrollment funding is sought.
GAfutures Funding Application
For students who attend public or private Georgia high schools
Students must submit their Dual Enrollment Funding Application online prior to registration and no later than the first day of the semester.
For students who attend a Georgia home study program
Students must submit their Dual Enrollment Funding Application online prior to registration and no later than the first day of the semester.
Homeschool officials must create a GAfutures Education
Professional account for the name of the home study program. The Georgia Home Study Program parent/guardian will receive an assigned HSP#, to provide to the student prior to completing the annual online Dual Enrollment funding application. The Homeschool official will be required to input the approved courses into the Single View each semester. More information may be found on GAfutures website.